Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wormies! Vermies?

Our friend, Rose, is the Children's Librarian at Pennsauken Library. She invited Kevin to offer a lesson on worms function in a healthy ecosystem.

Kevin was beside himself. For his 30th BDay, he received worms to start vermiculture composting at the Avant Garden. Some of these guys were featured. Thankfully, we also received a good rain the day before the workshop, so Kevin was able to dig up some other earth worm varieties in the Avant Garden.

Kids got to take a peak. Sonora Rose is helping in the background. She is also largely responsible for the Pennsauken Community Garden, located behind the Library, and featured in these photos.


Kevin is a big fan of kids. He's also worked one-on-one with kids to establish vegetable gardens. Contact us if you'd like to book on-going education!

Special thank you to Lauren Lopez, the Rooted Logo designer, who attended with her kids and took these photos!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Field stone wall in off-season

Our friend, Aimee, with Horticulturalist for Hire wanted a Field Stone wall built for a property where she was working. She built the fire pit & enlisted Rooted Landscaping support for the field stone wall with blue stone cap. 

We love working collaboratively with Aimee and we love this wall!

Friday, August 15, 2014

New beds in Shamong

Rooted Landscaping installed a series of beds framing the pool and weaving along the frontyard of this property in Shamong.

Zoysia plugs for a healthy lawn.

Harvested garlic

From our very own Avant Garden! 200 hundred bulbs cured & stored.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Higgins front yard overhaul

Our friend, Maureen, wanted to remove ivy and update the landscaping in her front yard. After ivy removal and soil remediation, we began carving beds.

Freshly laid sod and a perennial garden. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rossi retaining wall

Our friends, Carole and Ken, wanted to level out their front yard so their dogs would have another area to run. Rooted to the rescue!

Carole is knowledgeable about landscaping and chose dry stack natural stone. The wall was completed in the rain.

The planting on the next work day. A functional front yard!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Milbourne sitting wall

On one of the properties Rooted has tended for some time now, there began to be run off into the pool. A neighbor behind the property cut down some trees. Without tree roots absorbing rain water, hard rains ran straight down and into the pool.

Rooted put in drainage along with a sitting wall to direct water. 

First, excavation.

Musical interludes.

A stucco wall and hand-laid brick. 

The finished product! A beautiful wall for sitting by the pool that also helps divert run-off into the drainage system. Style and function!